Ben Gorman

Ben Gorman

Life's a garden. Dig it.


Scipress is finally getting Beta testers!

After posting about Scipress online, a handful of people signed up and gave me feedback. While most of the feedback was positive, a lot of people complained about the site's poor perfomance (page load speed). I knew the site wasn't blazing fast, but no page ever took more than a couple seconds to load for me. Turns out, other people were experiencing page load times of 15+ seconds! Ouch 😫

Needless to say, I spent a lot of time optimizing the site's performance in January. Good news - my updates seem to have reduced page load times drastically, especially for users on a slow connection.


So many.

  • optimized page load speed
  • made post and profile pages mobile friendly
  • added a "tree view" to the Move Post command palette
  • added support for mp4 (video)s in posts
  • set up [email protected] email
  • links and images can now receive tailwind classes
  • implemented Google and GitHub Oauth for signin/signup
  • syntax highlighting in code blocks
  • support code block titles, captions, highlighting, etc.

...and of course, countless bug fixes, performance enhancements, and UI improvements.


This month, I need to focus on turning Scipress into a business. My goal is to make Scipress a full-time endeavor, but that can only happen if/when it starts generating revenue. So, this month will be about getting users.