Ben Gorman

Ben Gorman

Life's a garden. Dig it.


Introducing...🥁🥁🥁 Scipress video tutorials!

Here's the Getting Started video!
See the full playlist here

In case you're wondering - no that's not my voice. I used an AI voiceover courtesy of Eleven Labs.

I expect these videos to evolve over time in lock step with Scipress. Also, a video on How to Sell Content using Scipress is in the works.

Scipress goes viral on Hacker News

I posted about Scipress on Hacker News and it went straight to the front page. This resulted in 4K new visitors and 50 signups in one day!


  • Display a loading bar while files are uploading on the files page
  • Implemented "click to copy" button for filenames in the files page
  • Added a "choose image" button in the post editor navbar, allowing user to select an already-uploaded image. Previously, there was only a button to upload a new image.
  • Autosave post content every three seconds instead of every five
  • Support embedding youtube videos in posts
  • Support width and height attributes on ::codepen elements
  • Implement defaultTab option for tabbed content
  • Support arbitrary properties on tab groups
  • Improved display of multiple products in a gate
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for highlight, bold, italic, code
  • Improve filtering in the open post command palette
  • Display lock icons in the navigation next to posts with gated content


No major plans for this month other than to use the platform, fix bugs, optimize, and get new users.

If you have feedback, let me hear it!