You're given a 10x2 array of floats where each row represents a movie. The first column represents the movie's rating and the second column represents the director's rating.
import numpy as np
generator = np.random.default_rng(123)
ratings = np.round(generator.uniform(low=0.0, high=10.0, size=(10, 2)))
ratings[[1,2,7,9], [0,0,0,0]] = np.nan
# [[ 7. 1.]
# [nan 2.]
# [nan 8.]
# [ 9. 3.]
# [ 8. 9.]
# [ 5. 2.]
# [ 8. 2.]
# [nan 6.]
# [ 9. 2.]
# [nan 5.]]
Create a third column that represents the overall rating. The overall rating is equal to the movie rating if it exists, otherwise the director's rating.