Alex Occulate

Life's a garden. Dig it.

About Me

Alex has been working with Information Technology since the last century (when it was called ‘Data Processing’!), starting with building and porting BIOS, Operating Systems, Compilers and Libraries for Electronic Points of Sale and Unix System III and V. In those days he began his contact with File Servers and Database Management Systems and realised how important proper data management would become for the health of any enterprise.

With the addition of analytical environments to the then common transactional environments, and in recent years the consolidation of cloud environments and dissemination of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, the certainty that the area of Data Management was growing in importance and complexity only grew stronger.

Much of his career has been spent studying and working with data as a Data Modeler, Database Administrator, Data Administrator, Data Engineering, Data Migration, Data Analyst, including Speaker, Mentoring, Solution Designer and Developer – both in Online and OLAP environments. Acquiring expertise across different industries – University, Telco, .COM, Internet Measurement Space, Professional Accounting Body, News Agency, Banking & Stock Market, Consulting, Gaming and Sports Entertainment, Hardware & Software Builder and Integrator, etc.

His hobbies include reading, watching science fiction and a good barbecue, and from time to time writing code (some old habits die hard!).