Here's some code to make a dataset named mydataset
with two tables,
| fruit_id|fruit |
| NULL|pears |
| 1|apple |
| 3|oranges |
| 2|bananas |
| fruit_id| price|
| 3| 3.02|
| NULL| 1.55|
| 1| 2.12|
| 2| 1.90|
-- Make a dataset named mydataset (in the default region)
CREATE SCHEMA `practice-probs.mydataset`;
-- Make a table named fruits (in mydataset)
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `practice-probs.mydataset.fruits` AS
SELECT 1 AS fruit_id, 'apple' AS fruit,
UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS fruit_id, 'bananas' AS fruit
UNION ALL SELECT NULL AS fruit_id, 'pears' AS fruit
UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS fruit_id, 'oranges' AS fruit;
-- Make a table named prices (in mydataset)
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `practice-probs.mydataset.prices` AS
SELECT 1 AS fruit_id, 2.12 AS price,
UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS fruit_id, 1.90 AS price
UNION ALL SELECT NULL AS fruit_id, 1.55 AS price
UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS fruit_id, 3.02 AS price;
Insert price as a column in the fruits table.
Expected Result