- Hubbert Linearization - An Esoteric Concept with Extraordinary Consequences
- Burning Man - The Failure of the Green New Deal
- Red-Flag Day Geometry - Linear Algebra and Heron’s Formula
- Extending Time - Cesàro Sums, String Theory, and Vantablack in 3D!
- The Case of the Prime Suspect - Your PI license to snoop
- The Big Squish Theory - Part II - Models, Mangles and Meshes
- The Goldfish Conjecture - Some fishy statistics
- Stefan-Boltzmann Revisited - Limits to Growth with Physics
- Investigating Integrals with Geogebra - Solving a problem from the Classical Mathematics Group
- CAS with Geogebra - or, What’s my radius?
- A Minimization Problem for Bezier Polynomials - Using Large Language Models for writing code
- Ising on the Cake - Going through a difficult phase transition
- Recursive Sequences as Linear Transformations - Fibonacci Spirals the Drain
- The Magic Whiteboard - Part III - The Robot Hacker
- The Magic Whiteboard - Part II - The AI Librarian
- The Magic Whiteboard - Part I - The Obsidian Wizard
- Covid and the Winds - An Analysis of a Viral Symphonic Arrangement
- The Decline and Fall of the Petroleum Empire - An EROI analysis of renewable energy
- The Big Squish Theory Part I - Wolfram Language solutions to the wave, Burgers’ and Euler’s PDEs
- Fermi Problems Predict the Future - Complicated math problems solved easily.
- How LSTM Networks Can Predict the Future -Long short-term memory networks for forecasting.
- An easy geometry problem that looks impossible - Applications of similar triangles.
- The Prediction Machine - OpenBB financial research platform, and a simple stock price predictor.
- CO2 v. CH4 - Global warming effects of carbon dioxide and methane.
- The First Day of Summer Every Day - Charting the path of the sub-solar point.
- Tools of Chaos - Explorations with the Julia toolbox Orbits.jl.
- Easy Chaos with Pluto - Use a Pluto notebook to run chaos experiments in Julia.
- The Growing Gap - Petroleum discovery data fitting.
- The Academic Browser - An organized method for literature search.
- Processing Piet - Using computers to generate art.
- Mathics and Nebo - Handwriting recognition and symbolic math, notetaking app Obsidian.
- Economics and the Stefan Boltzmann Law - Math and physics show that economic growth must end.
- Remembrance of Things Just A Moment Ago - Statistical analysis of Jan’s Memory Puzzle.
- Bicycle Science - Bike vs. ebike energy requirements.
- The Sum of the Sum of Some Numbers - Tricks for summing a series.
- Julia Sets in Julia - Julia set fractals in the Julia language.
- Seven Bridges for Seven Truckers - Euler circuits and graph theory.
- A Research Rubric - Tools for online literature searching.
- Curve Fitting with Julia - The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem applied to oil production data.
- Designing the Model - Genetic algorithm to lay out yacht hull sections efficiently.
- The Pushmi-Pullyu - The physics of a wind turbine driven boat.
- Betz The Limit - Calculation of the upper limit of wind derived energy.
- Gambling for Fun, Profit, Amusement, Money, General Contentment and Extra Cash - Outline of various gambling options.
- Havens’ Haven - Using number theory to solve Pell’s equation with PARI/GP.
- California Tumbles Into The Sea - Structure from motion to calculate the volume of the Rat Creek washout.
- Fun with Physics - Symbolic regression finds equations of motion.
- Marylin and The Goats - Monte Carlo simulation in R of the famous Monty Hall problem.
- Put Another KenKen on the Barbie - Generating integer partitions for Ken Ken in PARI/GP.
- Of Sailing Ships, Velociraptors, and Walking on the Moon - Froude numbers, and catamaran dimensioning in SMath Studio.
- Introduction to NetLogo - Agent based models in NetLogo.
- Yacht Design with Mathematics - Bezier polynomials and a homotopy create the shape of a yacht hull.
- The Kelly Criterion - The mathematics behind an optimal betting strategy.
- Winning the Scratch Lottery - The statistics of scratch off lottery tickets and why they aren’t as random as people imagine.
- The Boonie Conundrum - A Monte Carlo simulation of the spread of a rumor.
- How Deep Is That Pool? - Optimal solution to COVID-19 pool testing.
- The Wreck at Blossom and Sunset - The Intersection of Poisson and Exponential Distributions