Ben Gorman

Ben Gorman

Life's a garden. Dig it.


Frontmatter is where you define metadata about a post or your profile. Things like your post title, description, tags, and is_draft are all fields that can be modified in the frontmatter. Some of these fields are required; others are optional.

Frontmatter should be written in YAML at the top of a post, surrounded by three (or more) dashes above and below.

title: This is my post title
description: This is my post description
is_draft: true
This is the body of my post.


Profiles and posts support a similar but not identitcal set of frontmatter fields. For example, profiles can have a profile_image (but posts cannot) and posts can have a title (but profiles cannot).

Post fields

title: Why dogs chase cars
is_draft: false
description: A feel-good story about a dog.
feature_image: foo.png
icon: dog
slug: why-dogs-chase-stuff
  - dogs
  - pets
  - children's books
  - stories
  - [email protected]
  - [email protected]
  - RrBuyaAiJgQP558CUGrb
This is a story about why dogs chase cars. It all started one sunny, Summer morning...
  • title (required)
    ≤ 180 characters

    The post title. Appears as the post heading and the title of the web page. Appears in search results, browser tabs, bookmarks, etc.

  • is_draft (required)
    true or false

    Should this post be considered a draft? Drafts can only be seen by the post author and Scipress admins.

  • description
    ≤ 400 characters

    What is this post about? Informs webcrawlers about your post. Appears in search results and social share cards.

  • feature_image
    An image URL ( or an image filename (cat.png) matching the name of an image you uploaded to Scipress. Must be png, jpg, or jpeg.

    Informs webcrawlers about your post. Appears in search results and social share cards.

  • icon
    A lucide icon name.

    Appears next to the post title in the navigation.

  • slug
    ≤ 200 characters
    Must not be one of the reserved slugs: [author, dashboard, edit, reader]

    A string used to describe this post in its URL. Must be comprised of letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes only.

    For example, if a post has id 123 and title Da Bears, its URL will be The slug in this URL ( da-bears ) is automatically generated from the title. slug lets you override this value. For example, setting slug: the-bears changes the post URL to

  • restrict_access
    A list of user ids and/or email addresses.

    Which users should be allowed to see this post and its descendants? Additional rules regarding is_draft status, gated content, etc. still apply.

  • tags
    ≤ 8 values, each ≤ 60 characters.

    A list of tags used to describe this post. Used for SEO and post discovery / search.

Profile fields

name: Ricky Bobby
tagline: If you ain't first, you're last!
description: I'm NASCAR's best driver.
profile_image: foo.png
feature_image: foo.png
icon: dog
slug: why-dogs-chase-stuff
I'm Ricky Bobby. I was born in the backseat of a speeding car...
  • name (required)
    ≤ 60 characters

    Your name, or however you want to be called

  • tagline
    ≤ 100 characters

    A witty phrase that appears in your author blurb at the top of your posts. Alternatively, use this to advertise your brand/email/personal website.

  • description
    ≤ 1,000 characters

    Informs webcrawlers about your profile page. Appears in search results and social share cards.

  • profile_image
    An image URL ( or an image filename (cat.png) matching the name of an image you uploaded to Scipress. Must be png, jpg, or jpeg.

    Appears in your navbar and author blurb at the top of your posts.

  • feature_image
    An image URL ( or an image filename (cat.png) matching the name of an image you uploaded to Scipress. Must be png, jpg, or jpeg.

    Informs webcrawlers about your post. Appears in search results and social share cards.

  • slug
    ≤ 200 characters
    Must not be one of the reserved slugs: [author, dashboard, edit, reader]

    A string used to describe your profile in its URL. Must be comprised of letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes only.

    For example, if your user id is 123 and your name is Mr. Spongebob, your profile URL will be The slug in this URL ( mr-spongebob ) is automatically generated from your name. slug lets you override this value. For example, setting slug: spongebob-squarepants changes the post URL to