Ben Gorman

Ben Gorman

Life's a garden. Dig it.

Scipress has first-class support for embedding code in posts, in Markdown. Code snippets come in two flavors - inline code and fenced code blocks.

Inline code

You can create inline code by wrapping a code snippet within backticks.

Use `pip install <package name>` to install a Python package.

Use pip install <package name> to install a Python package.

Syntax highlighting

Append {:lang} to the end of inline code to highlight language-specific syntax.

Use `str.replace(' ', '-'){:python}` to replace spaces with dashes.

Use str.replace(' ', '-') to replace spaces with dashes.

Fenced code blocks

You can create a fenced code block by wrapping one or more lines of code within three backticks above and below.

foo = 1
bar = 2
baz = foo + bar

foo = 1
bar = 2
baz = foo + bar

Syntax highlighting

Enable language-specific syntax highlighting by appending one of the supported language codes to the opening backticks.

def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"


Give your code block a title with the title parameter.

```r title="Basic Usage"
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, colour = class)) + 

Basic Usage
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, colour = class)) + 


Give your code block a caption with the caption parameter.

```javascript caption=" returns a new array, leaving the original array unmodified."
const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16];
const map1 = => x * 2);

const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16];
const map1 = => x * 2); returns a new array, leaving the original array unmodified.

Line numbers

To display line numbers in a code block, include the showLineNumbers property.

```python showLineNumbers
def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

Line highlighting

You can highlight

  • a range of lines using {j-k} or
  • a specifc line using {m} or
  • a combination using {a-b, c-d, ... m, j, k, ...}
```python {2,4-5}
def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

Word highlighting

You can highlight

  • a specific word in a code block using /word/ or "word"
  • the ith instance of a word in a code block using /word/i
  • the i-jth instances of a word in a code block using /word/i-j
```python /hello/ /world/2
def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

def hello():
"""Prints 'hello world'"""
  msg = "hello world"

Runnable code

You can make runnable code snippets with After creating a new code pen, use the ::codepen leaf directive, passing in the src attribute to embed it in your post.



Additional parameters

CodePen's source URL supports various query parameters that allow you to customize the settings of your embedded codepen. These include

  • default-tab
    Which tab to show by default?

    Example: src="
  • theme-id
    Which theme to show? Can be light or dark. Omit this parameter to use the codepen's default.

    Example: src="
  • editable
    Should this codepen be editable by readers? (Readers will not be able to modify the original codepen). Can be true or false.

    Example: src="