Ben Gorman

Ben Gorman

Life's a garden. Dig it.

Admonitions (AKA call-outs) are a great way to interject a post with tips, warnings, questions, and other items related to your content.

Leaf vs Container

Admonitions come in two varieties: leaves and containers. Leaf admonitions have a title while container admonitions include a title and a body.

Leaf admonition

Here's an example of a leaf admonition.

::info[Admonitions are cool]
Admonitions are cool


Leaf admonitions have the following structure:

  • two colons ::
  • followed by the type (e.g. info)
  • followed by the title in square brackets (e.g. [Admonitions are cool])
  • followed by the properties in curly braces (e.g. { icon="dog" })

Container admonition

Here's an example of a container admonition.

:::info[Admonitions are cool]
I love them

Admonitions are cool

I love them


Container admonitions have the following structure:

  • three colons :::
  • followed by the type (e.g. info)
  • followed by the title in square brackets (e.g. [Admonitions are cool])
  • followed by the properties in curly braces (e.g. { icon="dog", collapse=true })
  • followed by the body content
  • followed by three colons :::


::quote[A quote]
Here's a quote

A quote

Here's a quote

:::help[Some help]
Here's some help

Some help

Here's some help

:::tip[A tip]
Here's a tip

A tip

Here's a tip

:::warning[A warning]
Here's a warning

A warning

Here's a warning

:::idea[An idea]
Here's an idea

An idea

Here's an idea

:::answer[An answer]
Here's an answer

An answer

Here's an answer

:::success[A success]
Here's a success

A success

Here's a success

:::abstract[An abstract]
Here's an abstract

An abstract

Here's an abstract

:::summary[A summary]
Here's a summary

A summary

Here's a summary

:::info[Some info]
Here's some information

Some info

Here's some information

:::note[A note]
Here's a note

A note

Here's a note

:::question[A question]
Here's a question

A question

Here's a question

:::hint[A hint]
Here's a hint

A hint

Here's a hint

:::important[Something important]
Here's something important

Something important

Here's something important

:::error[An error]
Here's an error

An error

Here's an error

:::danger[Something dangerous]
Here's something dangerous

Something dangerous

Here's something dangerous

:::bug[A bug]
Here's a bug

A bug

Here's a bug

:::example[An example]
Here's an example

An example

Here's an example


You can include a title for your admonition by writing it inside square brackets. This is sometimes refered to as the tag label.

:::info[Here's my title]
What do you think?

Here's my title

What do you think?

You can even write titles using Markdown.

:::tip[**Here's** _title_ with `markdown`]
Cool, eh?

Here's a title with markdown

Cool, eh?


Each admonition has its own default Lucide icon that you can change via the icon property.

Something can't be _very_ unique. It's either unique or it isn't!


Something can't be very unique. It's either unique or it isn't!

You can browse the full list of icons at


You can make a container admonition collapsible by adding the collapse property in curly braces, setting it equal to true or false to specify the default state.

Default collapsed

Here's a collapsible admonition that's collapsed by default.

:::answer[Answer]{ collapse=true }
The answer is 42.


The answer is 42.

Default expanded

Here's a collapsible admonition that's expanded by default.

:::answer[Answer]{ collapse=false }
The answer is 42.


The answer is 42.


Container admonitions can be nested by adding an extra colon to the parent tag. (The same trick applies to other container elements like popovers and blur screens.)

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side


Why did the chicken cross the road?


To get to the other side